life student, entrepreneur, lover of horses

Natalie C. Alexander

Life Student

I love life and love learning, expanding, and connecting with others!

  • Game Changers | February 2019

  • Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within | November 2018


At 20 years old, I feel it's important to push myself to discover what areas in life truly spark joy. Having the ability to combine my love for media and horses is a huge blessing! =)


  • Photography

  • Videography

  • Branding / Social Media Strategist

lover of horses

My mom loves telling the story about me being under 2 and telling her about my amazing dream of riding a horse through fields. She says she felt right then that horses and the World of Equestrian would likely be center stage for my life.

  • Age 6 | Started riding lessons


Send me a message for information in how we can work together... or just say hi! =)